
discussion A3

<statement of the topic>
Should we rebuild Yousaku's temple?
Only Yousaku's temple was broken down by an earthquake in our town. But, Some parts of the temple were not damaged. It costs one million yen to repair the temple. Yousaku wants to rebuild his temple, but some people want to build a department strore in his property.  

<introduction of panel members and their initial position>
Sakiko: She is 17 and a high school student. She likes shopping and doesn't have good image to our
Chihiro: She is 35 and a head of a department store.
Yousaku: He is 63 and a temple master. He is a stubborn man.
Atsushi: He is 25 and a university student. He likes visiting many temples.

<important points of the discussion as I see it>
Yousaku and Atsushi don't want to lose the temple. Yousaku wants to reduild his temple because many tourists come to see it. Andm he don't want to lose his career. Atsushi wants to write his graduation theis about Yousaku's temple and his girlfriend also like the temple, so he doesn't lose it. Atsushi thnks that citizens have to preserve history of the temple. Sakiko and Chihiro wants to build a department store instead of Yousaku's temple. Chihiro thinks that if a department store is built, benefits will increase than before. Sakiko thinks that if a department store is built, many people are able to buy anything which they want.
They discussed each other for a long time, but they overlooked that the place where Yousaku's temple was built was Yousaku's property.       

<what the outcome was>
The panel members decided to rebuild Yousaku's temple. Sakiko and Chiaki gave up building a department store.

<my personal opinion>
I had some strange points in this discussion. First, I wondered that an earthquake damaged only Yousaku's temple. And, Yousaku said his temple had a marriage of god, but temples don't have the concept of god. Then, I thought it was near-impossible to build Yousaku's temple on a department store not to lose his parishioners and employ Youasku at the department store. If the panel members do that, the number of tourists who come to see the temple might decrease and Yousaku cannot chenge his job easily, I trhought. Sakiko said that she wanted to buy clothes and cosmetics at the department store and be attractive for her boyfriend. This opinion was just for her not citizens. In addition, Chihiro said that benefits for her company were more important than historic significance. This opinion was also just for her. I thought Sakiko and Chihiro needed to think about citizens a little more.   

<how effective the discussion was>
I thought it was good for the moderator to ask panel members to say each final position. I thought the moderator had a good way of settling this discussion. One of the members especially said her opinion in a possitive way. I thought the approach was very good.

<how it could have been better>
If not only one member but also other members say each opinion more possitively, the discussion would become heated. In addition, I thought they needed to consider fundamental imformation more and more.

1 件のコメント:

  1. There were many holes in this discussion that were far beyond the panel to fill. I think that it wasn't thought about clearly enough in the beginning.
